So.... *sigh* my baby girl is already 1 month and 9 days old!! :( When did this happen? I cannot believe it!
I was just going through my old posts and noticed that I hardly ever post about my babies now and its usually just scrapping or crafting.. so I thought I better at the very least do a monthly update (that way if nothing else at least i have kept track somewhere for when I finally (if ever) get around to scrapping this stuff).
So Harmony is 5ish weeks old now..
What's she doing/milestones:
- just starting to track things
- can support her head for about 30 seconds at a time
- kicks off of things nonstop
- drinking 3oz bottles every 2hrs during the day and 3-4 hrs at night
- starting to roll onto her side
- starting to coo "ahh" "ohh" "aww" etc
- smiles once in awhile when shestalked to or smiled at
- just started losing her hair this week and its starting to grow back where it's fallen out at already
- likes her big sister
- likes being held
- likes daddy
- likes mommy
- likes "It girl - Jason Derulo" (its the only way to get her to stop crying sometimes)
- likes her tummy time gym
- likes sleeping during the day and being up at night
- likes eating
- dislikes anything cold
- dislikes being sat down
- dislikes her car seat
- dislikes being swaddled
- dislikes loud noises
- dislikes bath time (cuz it's cold afterwards i guess lol)
- dislikes being dirty
Other info:
- Jayden can't say Harmony yet she calls her "sis" or "Harm" or "Harma".. so I've started calling her "Harma" too I think its kinda cute
- First trip was on Sept 22 - 23 a beach trip to Newport, Rockaway Beach, & Tillamock and we went to the Newport Aquarium
- First trip to the pumpkin patch was on Oct 15, 2011.
- Her hair was/is reddish brown (we'll see if it grows back the same color).
Please forgive my photos they have not yet been edited. And I have 1000s more (no joke) i just don't have the time right now to edit and then upload.. just to upload these 3 it took me about 30 mins.. ugh slow internet and not wanting to take the time to resize (the computer i normally do that on broke.. my husband dropped it off the chair and the screen shattered lol).
Don't forget about the
GIVEAWAY I have going on... you have until to enter. And I have a coupon code:
STMMMS63527 for you to use if you wish to purchase
My Memories Suite.. $10 off the purchase of the software + a $10 coupon for any kit purchase(s) at store!
Also... I will be having another giveaway starting on the 25th of October for a Cricut cart so make sure to check that out too!
Thanks for stoppin' by and have a great night!